Welcome to Daikichi

Begining of Daikichi Restaurant

Behind the name Daikichi, there is a thought process of “大 一 大 万 大 吉 (Daiichi-Daiman-Daikichi)” , which literally means “One for all, All for One, Happiness shall come".
Underlying meaning is, ” 大 (Dai) means under the sun, and one for all and all for one under the sun..If world becomes likes this, all people will become 吉 (Kichi, meaning happy), and there will be peace all around”
「大とは天下を意味し、天下のもとで一人が万民のために、万民が一 人のために・という世の中になればすべての人が吉(幸福)となり、 太平の世が訪れる」という意味が込められております。
We would like to offer food with the wishes that people who have dined at Daikichi Foods will feel happy, and they would want other people also to feel this happiness.
大吉フーズで食した皆様が幸福を感じ、その幸福を他の人にも感じ て欲しいと思ってもらえるように願いを込めてお食事を提供して行 きたいと考えています。

Vision of Daikichi Food Brands


Offer hygienic and high quality “Japanese food” to Japanese people living outside Japan.

We at Daikichi foods believe that it is important to provide same dining environment for Japanese food in overseas as the one that people are used to in Japan in normal life. Although this is the simplest thought, it is the most difficult one to achieve. We emphasize on creating environment where people can relish authentic Japanese cuisine even if ambience and cooking place changes.
海外で食べる日本食も普段食べ慣れている日本食と同じ様に食せる環境をご提供していく事が大切だと私たち 大吉フーズは考えます。これは一番容易に思えて一番難しい事です。環境がかわり、調理の場が変わっても日 本食を美味しく食せる環境づくりを重視していきます。


Transform “Japanese food”, the world-class cuisine culture of Japan, into a global brand.
Through restaurants that offer Japanese cuisine with rich lineup of menu, Daikichi Foods would like to provide environment where not only Japanese people, but people all over the world can have Japanese food at reasonable feeling, thereby expanding the charm of Japanese food all over the world.
大吉フーズではメニュー豊富に日本食を食せる飲食店として、様々な日本食を日本人だけではなく世界中の皆 様にリーズナブルな感覚で食していただける場を提供し、日本食の魅力を世界中に広めてゆきたいと考えてお ります。